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Inhabitant update 5.1.24


Dear friends and supporters of our project,


Today marks one year since we began our journey to share Jinxx’s story and our art with the world. We know many of you have been eagerly anticipating news of production, and have been extremely patient after many set-backs, such as the industry strikes and Jinxx’s rigorous touring schedule.


That being said, with Jinxx wrapping up his current tour, in the coming weeks we plan to regroup and decide how we are going to move forward with our project. Although we didn’t meet our campaign goal to finance the feature film we initially aimed to make, we are still able to produce something amazing with the funds we did raise. Albeit on a smaller scale, i.e. a short, it is our hope that we can use this re-envisioned product as a tool to garner the financial support needed to make the feature that we still want to make.


We would love to hear from you, our patrons and supporters, all of your thoughts on where we are at in this process. And of course, all the perks from the original campaign will be honored as stated once production on the feature is finally underway, when we get there. All about the journey.


Thank you for your patience and support, and for continuing on this adventure with us.


Jinxx and Inhabitant team.

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